Women’s Day Pioneer


 In 1857 July 5, Clara Jetkin was born in a small village of Aksony province in Germany.  She completed her secondary level education at 15 years of age. In this time it was not easy to achieve higher education for females. No rights to vote also they were prohibited to participate in any political organization.

Clara was upset about these kinds of discrimination between male and female in their society. Every-time she thought how to give equal rights and opportunity to women. At the same time, outside Germany, voices were rising for woman rights. She was involved in numerous organizations to support female equality every-where. That time socialism was restricted by German government. This restriction was lifted in 1890 from Germany.

Clara Jetkin was involved indirectly in German Social Democratic Party (GSDP). Her active participation in GSDP made her a member of Central Education Committee in 1906. During this position she raised her voice for the involvement of women in political parties and finally females got that right in 1908. She didn’t stop there and she led a movement of every working female in Germany.

She was selected for the Secretary position in International Women Meet (IWM) in 1907 to 1917. Jetkin purposed the International Women’s Day in 8th March on meeting of IWM, which was organized in Copenhegen in 1910. The proposal of Clara was passed from IWM and every March 8 then became International Women’s Day which started from 1911.

From that day gender discrimination was completely hidden. In every field or sector females are getting equal opportunity as male. Her movement changes every women’s life-style, everyone has their own space, they have their full freedom as male. These kinds of changes became world-wide so Clara Jetkin is also known as Women’s Day Pioneer.

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